Individualised, specialised & outcome driven education for pupils with Autism
Eagle Park Independent School provides specialist support for pupils with Autism and Moderate Learning Difficulties, we provide an education which is personalised to the needs of each pupil.
We offer a calm and focussed learning environment which is nurturing and safe. Our curriculum is holistic and is guided by partnerships such as Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists. We aim to develop our pupils essential life skills so that they will be able to lead successful and enriched lives. Included in our offer is:
Included in our offer is:
Communication skills.
Social skills.
Physical & Social Wellbeing.
ICT skills.
Study skills.
Independence skills.

The education of our young people is differentiated and specific to their needs. All our young people benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes the National Curriculum subjects alongside programs that focus on skills for life. Our curriculum is relevant, purposeful and attentive to the needs of each individual young person.
The EHCP is an integral part of the Each young person’s curriculum to ensure that outcomes are met.
The education of our young people is differentiated and specific to their needs. All our young people benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes the National Curriculum subjects alongside programs that focus on skills for life. Our curriculum is relevant, purposeful and attentive to the needs of each individual young person.
The EHCP is an integral part of the Each young person’s curriculum to ensure that outcomes are met.

To give our pupils a purpose & equip them for their future.
To build positive relationships with all stakeholders.
Celebrate success & achievement, no matter how big or small.
More than just a school, we are a community with a culture and ethos that embodies “togetherness”. We work hand in hand to develop curious and confident children with an understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally aware.
Our 3E’s promote self esteem and confidence
Effort - I will always do my best
Equality - I will always respect others
Empathy - I will try and understand how you feel
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s) will identify any diagnosis which may include one or more of the following:
Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD),
Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC),
Cognitive, Learning, communication and interaction needs.